We believe that everything we have comes from God and that therefore it is our responsibility to give back to him. In whatever way we feel able to do this God is pleased when we offer what we have. You can either choose to give to All. Saints directly by standing order through the bank or alternatively you can give by cash or cheque on a Sunday morning.
Please contact, the vicar, for further details on giving financially to All Saints.
How to give…
You can now give regularly or donate a one-off gift (with gift aid) by using the Parish Giving Scheme here.
You can also give online via PayPal.
Or send a cheque payable to ‘All Saints Church’:
f.a.o. The Treasurer
All Saints Church
c/o The Paget Christian Centre
18-26, Randells Rd
N1 0DH
Please also tell us your address if you are UK tax payer and we'll send you a gift aid form.